Breakfast, Resolutions, and Pretty Girls
I'm breaking my blogging fast with this, my first post in just over a week. Of course, what I'm really doing is getting off of my lazy ass, but by pretending to be fasting I give my lapse an air of excusability and respectability. Right.
A new year is coming and I've thought it would be nice to post my resolutions vis-a-vis this blog. Here they are:
- I will post an average of five times per week. Whether there will be enough fiber to feed such regularity remains a question, as junk food is all too common.
- I will call out whiney bullshit when I see it. It's a target-rich environment.
- I will not start another list like this without having several good bullet points to put into it. I'm having a very hard time coming up with resolutions for the new year.
- I will have fun. I'm not blogging for my health. If I'm going to sit here and inflame my tendons with repetitive stress injuries, I'm going to have fun doing it.
- I will strive to remain humble. This is very hard for me to do, given my considerable natural talents (I got straight As in physical education and spelling throughout primary school), but if Jesus could do it, then by golly I can certainly give it a shot too.
- I will not be a blogroll whore, though the temptation is great. Know this: I'm not linking to you because I'm lazy and do not want to bother updating an entire list of links to blogs that I read on a regular basis. The fact is, Newsgator allows me to (and I do) subscribe to every blog with an RSS feed that's listed at I'm reading *all* of you, and I'm liking some of you. But I will not link to you in the hopes that you'll link back to me.
- I will not use my celebrity blog status to impress the girls at business school. Since this is a New Year's resolution, and since there's no taboo on breaking resolutions while we're still in an old year, I will hereby proclaim the following. Girls, please remember this for all of 2005: I am (currently) single and very available. That will be my first and only plea on the subject. I'm not in this to make friends of any sort, be they nice-smelling, young, pretty, well-dressed, smart, and stomach-fluttering or not.
- I will portray events accurately where any school or individual's reputation is at stake.
- I will studiously avoid using the cliche, "Business School is like drinking fine champagne from a fire hydrant." I cringed when I read that in the welcome packet from Wharton. If I never hear anyone describe any situation as drinking from a fire hydrant again, I'll be happy. Similarly, I will not blog about being "so busy" or about my terrible lack of sleep or about how I've learned to juggle so many more tasks than I ever thought possible. Bo-ring!
- I will figure out a way to post pictures to this blog because even the grainiest photo taken with a camera phone is worth several thousand of my poorly chosen words.
- I will move this blog off of blogspot. Blogspot is slow and despicable.
- I will seek out the humor and the tragedy in this whole pre-MBA/MBA/post-MBA scene and blog it. I will blog the summits and the nadirs, the pathos and the bathos, the good and the bad.
- I will end this list now, and get some lunch.