How to Write an MBA Blog [Edit 1]
Inspired by Tony Pierce's award-winning post on how to blog (read it!) I've decided to actually dispense some of my own advice, which is, as usual, going to be quite awful. Brace yourselves.
- Make promises you can't keep. (For instance, promise to "start writing again" but then fail to deliver on that promise. Another successful tactic is to promise to deliver the straight dope but then delete your blog.)
- The world is lucky that you deign to acknowledge it. Please, bless us with your unvarnished pearls of wisdom, as nobody has ever written anything on the subject of MBA admissions ever, and it's about time someone wrote the definitive guide to the Stanford, Wharton and Harvard interview process. You! You are the Ron Jeremy of the B-school blog world. You fill a gaping hole in the community.
- Call your interviewers at Morgan Stanley "a bunch of guidos." This not only reflects well on your school, but also increases the chance that your interviewers will read your blog and decide to give you "big ups" for not kowtowing and kissing their asses like every other applicant out there. Booyakasha.
- One oft-used tactic requires you to create the mother of all butt-kissing blogs and fill it with nothing but praise for your target school and how much you'd love to attend it. Now here's the key that will allow the adcom to connect the dots: post your GMAT scores, your background, and a few other personal details so that they'll not only read your blog, but connect it to your application profile and therefore be cajoled into rendering a favorable decision. And finally, stop blogging after you're in, as the blog has served its purpose.
- If you'd prefer to attend a school with no homos in it, make it clear from the get-go. Don't let the blog world's bleeding-heart namby-pambies dissuade you from expressing yourself. PC is just another abbreviation for "communism."
- Use your "blogs I'm reading" link list as a carrot and stick. If someone says something you don't like, you'll continue to read them of course, you just won't put them on your list. That'll teach 'em! Of course, anybody that kisses your ass in comments totally goes on the list, even though they be boring pedants.
- Claim to reject every school that accepts you because, after all, you're just too highly remunerated and business school would be a waste of time. Your virtual cock has grown longer!
- If you decide to attend HBS, stop posting anything interesting or insightful and just focus on pumping the brand. Why spend the effort? As HBS's only blogger, people will read you anyway.
- If you decide to attend Stanford, emulate the lone Harvard blogger. People will read you anyway.
- If you decide to blog at Wharton, you'll need to combat the perception that you're blogging on behalf of the marketing office. The best way to do this is to post pictures of busty playmates with Alex Brown's head photoshopped onto them. That'll show the world that you have journalistic integrity. (A thousand sighs of disappointment that my link didn't deliver the goods. Maybe next time.)
Edit 1: Minor improvements here and there.